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  • #5079 Reply

      I was on Cardio FUnk at MQ yesterday and found a geocache half way up. This is not the most ideal place for a cache! You climb a hard section, reach up for the jug and grab a lunchbox tied to a pin! I am thinking it was an idiotic abseiler that placed it here. I did not remove it…yet. If anyone knows who put it there they might want to get them to retrieve it. It has been there as far as i can tell since around the middle of the year.

      #5080 Reply

        I think that was Jay. I saw it there after he was working his proj that goes left out the undercling from the break on cardio. My guess is that you would find some cams inside…..

        #5081 Reply

          Proect going out left? is this antitrust? There was just a notebook inside. ONly some randoms leaving some notes saying they had been there. I dont think Jay would be involved in that kind of thing.

          #5082 Reply

            Weird. Kinda like a hut book then, but half way up a climb… Very weird. Maybe DEC is trying to monitor traffic on hard routes…

            No Jays climb went from the break, diagonally left around that undercling flake and finishes on the anchors of that crappy route left of CF.

            #5083 Reply

              Go to

              It is a kind of GPS game where people put caches in wierd spots and others find them etc. Super Wierd! Almost as wierd of climbing up 15m chipped routes in a quarry 🙂

              #5084 Reply

                Hey Loges, what happened to Steve? I heard he had a little meeting with the wall, how bad is it?


                #5085 Reply

                  Yeah. Steve has a broken ankle! Fell right at the top of sweet pea, sooo close to tickage. Foot must have hit an uneven surface when he landed and it rolled over. Its not too bad, broken but still in place so he has a plaster cast for 2 weeks then gets a fibreglass one.

                  #5086 Reply
                  Richard W

                    Hey Logan!

                    Did that happen just after I left? Please send my regards.

                    #5087 Reply

                      No worries richard. Yeh just after you left.

                      #5088 Reply
                      Bored at work

                        Sorry to hear someone got hurt. Hope they recover soon.

                        On the subject of the geocache, I think I have found it here…


                        That’s one cool abseiler!

                        #5089 Reply

                          My God! Is this what the world is coming to? Gumby abseilers sticking stuff on classic routes. The cache will be removed next time i am out there. Sorry Shaun… come climbing sometime.

                          #5090 Reply

                            OMG what a noddy!

                            #5091 Reply

                              I placed the cache with the assistance of a few climbers. If it is a problem I am happy to review its location. This W/E is out, next is looking better. Would appreciat you leaving it in place till I can get there.

                              #5092 Reply

                                I havent read the previous posts on this, I assumed the top post was the last. It appears your forum has the latest at the bottom. I take exception to the reference to GUMBY ABSEILERS. This cache was placed with the assistance of on of WA’s better climbers. I have seen the antics of some climbers at the quarry who should go home and play with Gumby. We all enjoy different sports, mine is abseiling and geocaching. Its a public area, for all users. As previously stated I am happy to review this placement. Now you know its there perhaps you would sign the log book and join in the game. Either way I will do as I stated in the previous post.

                                #5093 Reply
                                HAVE SOME FUN

                                  leave it there mate, the wankers who don’t like it its bad luck for them it is fun doesnt hurt anyone and is unique

                                  #5094 Reply

                                    Had some friends who lived together and they would play a similar game. they called it ‘hiding hanky’. what it involved was doing a shit in a unique place within there house, last persons shit to be found was the winner. the key was to hide it somewhere it didnt stink. winner was a beauty, they removed all the margirine out of its tub, placed the shit in it and covered it back up with the margarine. got discovered when one of them was making a vegemite sandwich. nice one. also heard of one being placed in a slushy machine, but thats a differnet story.

                                    #5095 Reply

                                      incase your wondering ‘what the…?’

                                      moral to the story is ‘dont place the shit where it stinks’.

                                      #5096 Reply

                                        you need to get out more

                                        #5097 Reply
                                        No friend of “Friend”

                                          “Friend”, your comments are insulting to anyone reading the message board and degrading to other members of CAWA that you are presumably associated with. I hope that all climbers are not as narrow minded and insulting as you are. Logan has expressed his opinion that the cache could cause a safety issue for climbers and therefore it should be removed. Apart from the reference to “Gumby Abseilers” he has managed to do it in a manner that doesn’t cause offence. Perhaps you, “Friend”, could learn from his example.

                                          #5098 Reply

                                            No friend of “Friend” – get a life and lighten up. In case you dont get out much, online forums are exactly the place for flaming and having a laugh at at noobs expense. If CAWA members are offended by banter then theyre a stuffy lot….

                                            #5099 Reply

                                              First of all I would like to apologize to those who found my story ‘offensive’.

                                              I didnt write it to be offensive, but I thought it was a light hearted story stating that the placement of the geocache may have been inappropriate on such a climb, also due to safety reasons. Maybe the story was a little too much for some. Although I never took part in the game and never would, I still think the story is funny, cause there really is some crazy people out there with too much time on there hands. I also spend all my time out pursuing the challenges in life that I desire most like, Surfing, climbing, canyoning, mountain bike riding, Hiking, camping etc just like all of you.

                                              so once again my apologies.

                                              #5100 Reply
                                              No friend of “Friend”

                                                Thanks, “Friend” for having the integrity to apologise for your comments that I found offensive. Perhaps I could be your friend after all…

                                                By the way, I do have a life and I do get out, I am involved with Indoor Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Canoing, GeoCaching, etc. with youth groups. I haven’t done much outdoor rock climbing yet, but that could change over time.

                                                Enjoy the best that Nature has to offer and remember that there are many interest groups out there all trying to enjoy Nature in their own way. Let’s try to work together rather than fighting each other, and it will all be so much more pleasurable for all.

                                                #5101 Reply
                                                Mr Hanky

                                                  Personally i’d rather hear another poo story

                                                  #5102 Reply
                                                  no friend of oznaturist

                                                    not a gumby abseiler? are you kidding me? dude, take a look at your photo.

                                                    #5103 Reply

                                                      WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE POST A LINK FOR THE GUMBY ABSELER

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