Getting back into it.

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  • #13287 Reply

      Hey Guys,

      I’ve been out of the climbing scene for almost 8 years, I am wanting to get back into it but no longer know anyone in the Perth climbing community. I am just looking for someone who is starting out or wouldnt mind taking me under their wing, as I said I havent clibed for 8 years and pretty much have to start from scratch again.



      #13396 Reply

        Not looking at climbing myself, but you wouldnt happen to be from Kondinin would you…?

        #13659 Reply
        Tim ball

          Hey michell , I am in town for about a month , lots of experience , work as a climbing guide and need a partner . Contact me at [email protected] Tim.

          #13738 Reply

            Hey Matt, why do you ask? 🙂


            Thanks Tim, will do 🙂

            #13799 Reply

              Because I knew someone that i’ve since lost contact with that had a similarly spelt name (though I never did get the exact spelling) that coincidently I last saw/went climbing with around about 8 or so years ago, so would be an interesting coincidence if you were in fact someone I knew :p

              #13986 Reply

                Haha its a small world. Just got worried when i read that. Haha thought oh shit, who did i piss off 😛

                Yeah it is me. Im sorry but Im not sure i remember you. I have been going to the handout every Friday night from 6 so if you wana catch up and come climbing illbe there 😛
                I’ll admit. I really suck at the moment. So weak, been training to try and build up my strength again so slowly getting there…

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