Getting into climbing!

Home Forums Climbing Talk Getting into climbing!

  • This topic has 18 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years ago by Dinah.
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  • #7368 Reply

      Hey guys and girls. Found this forum on the web and thought this would be a good place to ask a question. Can anyone recommend a few steps towards getting good at climbing. I have been visiting a couple of the local gyms and really enjoying pushing myself to get better each time. Just a bit of helpful advice on where to go from here would be much appreciated. Thanks

      #7369 Reply

        Climb on rock. Do all the 12s, do all the 13s, do all the 14s, do all … When you run out of 29s move to Spain.

        #7370 Reply

          Why Spain?

          But as Isiah wrote, get onto real rock.

          The gyms may build strength, but they do nothing for skill and technique. You only get that on rock. That’s why it’s called ‘rock climbing’.

          If you think that climbing occurs in a gym on plastic, then you should also take up bushwalking in a hall, scuba diving in a swimming pool and whitewater rafting in a water tank.

          Get some gear if you haven’t already. A rope, 10 quickdraws, set of nuts, set of cams, a few locking crabs, bolt plates etc. No need to get everything all at once.

          Then (assuming you’re in Perth) go to Statham’s and Mountain and Boya and Churchmans and get climbing. And Willyabrup, and West Cape Howe, and Bluff Knoll, Kalbarri etc etc.

          And Mt Arapiles, Taipan Wall, Blue Mountains, Moonarie, Frog Buttress….

          Maybe Spain as well.

          #7371 Reply

            Numbat by name and by nature it would appear.

            DO NOT just go buy gear and head out to the quarries. Look up one of the several companies who teach you what to do with your gear safely and put well learnt skills to good use.

            Numbat – Really!

            #7372 Reply
            Chris D

              Fully agree. Numbat – sentiment is good but slow down.

              Also find some experienced climbers to learn from. Learn to belay then follow them on lead climbs.

              This is how I learnt.

              #7373 Reply

                Thanks for the replies but you guys are right. I said im new to climbing so I don’t think i will be heading out to the rock considering I have 0 experience in proper belaying technique and lead climbing experience. Think a course is the best way to go at this stage. Thanks again

                #7374 Reply

                  Nah rock is a great place to learn – just go with someone with experience that’s all. Contact CAWA they have outdoor trips you can go on.

                  #7375 Reply

                    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

                    OK, I skipped a bit.

                    Go and do a course with an accredited instructor or organisation, or go climbing lots of times with some experienced climbers first.

                    But no harm in keeping a look-out for for good gear on special. Gear price varies by maybe +/- 30% if not more, so I think it’s worthwhile buying gear when it’s cheap, even if you’re not going to use it straight away – as long as you will be using it sometime!

                    #7376 Reply

                      Ok thanks again guys. What would you recommend the best way to get amongst some experienced climbers willing to have a noob hang around with them?

                      #7377 Reply
                      David Wyndham

                        As has already been mentioned the CAWA trips are a good plece, although it can be hard for a newby to find a climbing partner on them.

                        For another option UWA-Outdoors Club is a good place (shameless plug) there are usually people from the club climbing twice a week indoors, and most weekends outdoors. There are quite a few people in the club with outdoor experience, and the club has some gear so you don’t need everything yourself.

                        Note everyone before I attract flame, I’m not trying to detract anything from CAWA here, I am a CAWA member myself, and I encourage other ODC people to come on CAWA trips and join, I just think that both clubs have something to offer.

                        Look us up you don’t have to be a UWA student, probably 50% of our membership base aren’t students.

                        David Wyndham

                        UWA-ODC Climbing Officer 2008-2009

                        UWA-ODC Secretary 2009-2010

                        #7378 Reply

                          Dave, why doesn’t UWA ODC climb outdoors anymore?

                          #7379 Reply
                          David Wyndham


                            Due to people from the club leaving, giving up climbing, etc. There was a lack of people in the club able to take beginners outdoors. This all happened around three years ago.

                            However over the last 18 months there have been a few people with outdoor experience move to Perth and into the club, and some changes to club regulations, and so we are now able to run beginner outdoor trips. Just waiting on the weather improving.

                            In the meantime (the last 12 months or so) there have been many club members climbing outdoors almost every weekend. It’s just that the trips haven’t been advertised to the general club community as they weren’t beginner oriented. At the pub after indoor sessions these have been discussed, and a few keen beginners have been coming, people that want to learn for their own and the club’s benefit.

                            I came to Perth last year with there being almost zero outdoor experience in the club. It has been mostly with the effort of myself and a few others that we have resurrected climbing. So yeah, we do climb outdoors.

                            Do you have some experience with the ODC in the past?

                            #7380 Reply

                              Hi Ben,

                              there are a few loose groups that often meet and go climbing on weekends or whenever. David mentioned one of these (UWA ODC), and I’m involved in another loose group. Often we both meet up at the same place at the same time.

                              If you put up your email address, I’ll add you to the email list.

                              If you come along on CAWA trips, it’s expected that you will be a ‘dependent participant’, as CAWA is not allowed to provide training due to various legal and liability issues. However if you do come along, you can usually find someone to team up with. The next CAWA trip is to Willyabrup on the next long-weekend.

                              #7381 Reply

                                you will Not be a a ‘dependent participant’. you will be completely independant of any activity provider.

                                #7382 Reply

                                  Yeah, sorry, the ‘in’ fell off. On CAWA trips, you are an ‘independent participant’.

                                  #7383 Reply

                                    This a bit off on a tangent, but I haven’t looked at the CAWA website for about 18 months, and was happy to see that some people are aware that Spain – my adopted land – is great for climbing! Just ask Chris Sharma, who lives about 2 hours from me for most of the year, and beavers away putting up ridiculously hard routes. Two or three of the 5 best climbers in the world are Spanish at the moment. It’s not surprising considering the classy rock that’s around. AND there’s plenty of trad for the purists!! Anyway, that’s enough of my plug…back to work…

                                    #7384 Reply

                                      Dave, I joined up with some ODC people a few times at Willies and Churchies. Having had many years of trad climbing exp would be happy to help out with ODC trips if required. Am now staying in SW region.

                                      #7385 Reply

                                        Good to hear from Spain. We’re all jelous of your amazing rock and aspire to climb there .

                                        #7386 Reply

                                          Hey Marianne drop me a line on;

                                          dinah.pantic at

                                          would love to hear from you.

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