Great comp at Hangout!

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  • #1588 Reply

      Yet again the Hangout put on an awesome competition- there was a really great atmosphere and some amazing climbing feats, and no major injuries at this one (that I noticed anyway!). Much thanks to Claire and the rest of the staff and judges for their efforts.

      See ya at round four at Rockface! And anyone keen on some bouldering who didn’t get to the comp, the problems will stay up for a while (right Claire?) so well worth a trip to play!

      #1589 Reply
      John Knight

        I had a great time too, and it was good to be able to put names to faces. 🙂 Now that I know what I’m doing after my first one, I’ll aim for about 320, 350’d be sweet though. 😉

        Great job all!

        #1590 Reply

          Hey John if you’re interested in training with our little group (2-4 of us depending who turns up), we’re at Hangout on Tuesdays 7pm onwards and Rockface on Wednesdays same time period.

          I found that I got heaps better once I started climbing with people who pushed me, so if you are in Perth at those times feel free to join!

          #1591 Reply
          Pete Thomas

            I agree, another excellent comp yesterday at The Hangout, thanks to all involved! By the way, the previous one at the Rockface was great too, thanks to all the cool folks there, even you Gareth(!). Here’s a suggestion: you guys are getting good at putting these on, how about a bit more recognition of this great sport, by asking the West Australian to send a reporter/photographer to cover the final event next month? I think we’re professional enough for this now. How about it?

            #1592 Reply

              Hi all,

              Great to hear that you all had a great time at our bouldering competition on Sunday. We had fun setting it all up, even if on the day it was a bit stressfull for some of us.

              For those of you wanting to try the problems they will be left up until the tape is falling off. After we take the competition problems down we will also be looking at having boulder problems set up all the time for those of you who are interested. Not only in the bouldering cave but around the gym also.

              Peter your idea about calling the newspaper sounds like a great idea. Would be good to promote our sport a bit more. Bit of a boost for the industry.

              All comments about how the bouldering competitions work and how we can improve them are gratefully received. Please forward to

              [email protected]

              See you all at the last round if not before.

              #1593 Reply
              John Knight

                Tuesdays are an absolute no-no, but I might be able to start coming to Wednesday sessions soon at Rockface. I’ll email Claire my thoughts for bouldering there instead of saying it here though. 😉

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