Indoor Climbing Bunbury

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  • #1633 Reply

      Just a short note to those people around the Bunbury area to let you know that Indoor Climbing at the PCYC will start again on Tuesday nights as of 22nd July. Kids 6.30-7.30pm, Adults 7.30-8.30pm (hopefully extending to 9.30 soon 🙂 )

      Also on another small note after the climbing today at the PCYC that was organised by Mountain Designs, there is now talk of organising a climbing/Adventure club using the PCYC as home base. If your interested the ladies at MD should be able to give you some info as soon as its been finalised. At present it seems a trip to Willyabrup sometime soon is in the cards.

      #1634 Reply
      Ross Weiter

        It occurs to me that if there ever is a formal Bunbury based club, it may be a good idea for its members to join CAWA. This way they can enjoy the benefits, i.e. insurance (this is a big one), shop discounts, Western Climber, access negotiations etc. This means also abiding by the CAWA constitution and rules, but these are hardly onerous. Just a thought.

        #1635 Reply

          Yep, I think that is a great idea and will certainly be putting it foward when the next meeting is arranged.


          Besides it makes sense that when the club is defined it should be affiliated with CAWA. Also to have a Climbing club that doesn’t follow CAWA ethics would be a slap in the face for all the work they do in maintaining the public face of our chosen sport.

          #1636 Reply
          Steve Digwood


            If a Bunbury climbing club does get under way, remember that CAWA has Associate membership, which is aimed at other clubs who wish to associate with CAWA. While it has not happened much in the past, it would mean that a Bunbury club would have the same Code of Ethics etc, and would give a united voice to organisations like CALM on climbing issues.

            #1637 Reply
            Rochelle Payne

              Hi guys

              Bunbury Adventure Pursuits Club was originally formed in 1999 with myself and Richard Woodman. Initially we even based ourselves on the CAWA constitution, and have continued to do so. Unfortunatley when Richard had his ‘Wookie’ episode and I moved to Perth, the club did loose direction with the new president preferring to direct club energies into hiking.

              I believe we were affiliated with CAWA- this was left with Richard to maintain as he was a member of CAWA at the time. Perhaps someone could look into it for me and see if we still are affiliated. I have since relocated back to Bunbury and am again President of the Club, and am focusing on climbing again- as you have been a part of Remus (got some good photos for you when I see you next!)

              Would be very interested in talking to CAWA about insurance as we have been having more than a few issues!

              #1638 Reply


                You can email the following to touch base with me;

                [email protected]

                Let me know your email address so that I can answer your queries. Looking forward to hearing from you.

                Best Regards


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