Indoor Climbing Partner wanted

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Indoor Climbing Partner wanted

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  • #8967 Reply

      Hi there

      I’ve just moved to Perth from Sydney, where I was climbing indoors a couple times a week for a few months. I have my own harness and shoes and am starting to master 20’s and 21’s

      Looking for a buddy to climb with maybe one week night and/or one weekend day. I also want to do my leading course soon to take things to the next level!

      Male, female, young, old, I just want someone fairly reliable!

      Hope to hear from you soon!



      #8968 Reply

        Hi Dan

        I am seeking an indoor climbing buddy once a fortnight, Monday, after work at Rockface. I also have harness and shoes. I can belay, but am aiming to regain fitness after some time off. So, am starting out at grade 15-17. View to lead climb later this year.



        #8969 Reply

          Hi Janice

          Sounds good, how about next Monday, 7pm, Rockface?

          My number 0412 286 056 – text me to confirm!



          #8970 Reply

            Seems like im in the same boat as you Dan so if you dont find a partner give me a txt. 0408005057

            #8971 Reply

              Hey guys I’m too in the same boat. give me a call if anyone is heading out after work.. nmys stuff lives in my boot. 0422 865 741

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