indor rock climbing (beginner)

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  • #12154 Reply


      Looking for a partner to go indoor rockclimbing once or twice a week with. im usually free in the mornings, and some afternoons, depending on what shifts im working. Im just starting out, but it would be great to be able to learn from those of you who are more expirienced 🙂

      my mobile numbers: 0431 344 722

      if you are up for a climb, give me a call 🙂


      #12161 Reply

        Hey Serah
        I would be interested in helping you out I climb alot at rockface climbing gym in northbridge so if your interested i usally go every second day of the week depending on work. ill definitely be able to get you started.
        so if your interested heres my number its 0425 381 291 just give me a call whenever your ready and ill see what we can do.

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