Information for Moses Rocks mini-guide

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  • #11756 Reply

      What with Kym’s more recent contirbution to rebolting areas in the SW, local climbers have suggested it is timely to create a mini guide for some of those lesser known and/or frequented places. So we have decided to start with Moses Rocks. While there are details in SW Rock, the guide is out of print and hard to come by and in addition there have been a number of new lines established.

      To make sure the guide captures all available info please send me ([email protected]): locations and descriotons of new routes you know of; comments you may have on grading or descriptions of routes in the SW guide; and any good images you would like considered for inclusion.

      #11945 Reply

        With the help of local climbers I have completed the mini-guide for Moses Rocks, which can now be found on the CAWA website mini-guide page – thanks for the quick upload to the website!

        #11947 Reply

        Thanks Krish for a great mini-guide. Have some of the routes been recently re-bolted ? We were there in Nov/Dec last year and there was talk of re-bolting where it was obvious some of the original bolts had been removed ? Can you advise which routes were re-bolted ?


        #11948 Reply

          Hey Tony yep all bolts for routes were replaced with marine grade bolts fitted with epoxy glue, by Kym Hartley in late 2011 (good on yer Kym) – this has been detailed in another thread on the bolting forum. I have made mention of this in the mini-guide in the fourth para under ‘rock, protection and grading’. There are however two bolts that have not been replaced, these are located at the top out of “after the horse has bolted’ and “hallucinations” (in the zawn) and were presumably for abseiling.

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