Jane Brook Boulders

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  • #5177 Reply

      I found this spot a couple of years ago, not bad for an arvo sesh, plenty of easy lines up cracks and a few faces. No bolts, all bouldering. Most in the V0 – V2 range.Some harder lines left to go under the tree and around south boulder.

      To get there Park at the end of Cupania Cl in Janebrook. Walk down path and across stream, follow through open gate into right of way between two paddocks. Follow til end ~500m, step over gate, keep walking in same direction for another few hundred metres until paddock fence comes in on your left. Step over fence on left and follow firebreak uphill (north)for a couple of hundred metres. You will soon see boulders in paddock on left.

      You are right near the western boundary of John Forrest NP.

      This is good as these boulders are on private land and as such I can not actually tell you to go and climb there or to hop over said boundary into National Park if the Farmer comes.

      anyhow I can provide some good photos and descriptions if needed. cheers


      #5178 Reply

        If it easier for anyone, Boulders are at 31′ 51′ 28.61″S and 116′ 03′ 51.01″E

        According to google earth. Cheers


        #5179 Reply
        John Knight

          I’ll have to have a gander when my neck’s back to normal, cheers. 🙂

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