With the current re-bolting of Learning to Fly that SCWA has been doing at Mountain Quarry, the issue of safety and the stability of the rocks which the line runs over has become an issue. I had a discussion with a CALM representative today who mentioned he is currently waiting on a geotech report on how the stabilization done in 2004 is holding up. My thoughts is that this would be a good document for CAWA to have a look at as it effects all climbers here in Perth.
In relation to Learning To Fly, I spoke with CALM who feels the larger bolted on section is fine (awaiting the report of course). I mentioned in particular the square shaped section of rock below this which most definately is not fine and the representative has taken my details to look at the block mentioned.
I have also spoken to Ron Master who has given his blessing for the unsafe section to be removed. I have repelled numerous times over this route now and it is a truely stella line – a classic that with CALM’s help will be a must to red point for those hardmen/women out there.
I also spoke to Ron about a possible direct route. The original line went up to the 7th bolt and then traversed approximately 3m right along the crack at the base of the pyramid shaped headwall. There was then another bolt before heading up and back left towards the upper face.
Ron was happy with a direct line being established so I have added 2 bolts direct to the upper headwall as well as replacing the original bolt off to the right so that the original line can still be climbed.
The entire line except for three bolts around the loose block is now finished awiting for CALMS response to the loose block. The direct line will be 12 fixe P’s in total with very varied climbing/movements. It will be interesting to see what grade it will be freed at?