looking for climbing partners

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares looking for climbing partners

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  • #6793 Reply

      I’ve just moved to Perth, and am looking for climbing partners (outdoors and in). I’ve been climbing for about 1.5 years. At the moment mostly climbing 17s and 18s, and just starting to lead. I have harness, shoes, belay device, etc., but no other equipment. Have seconded a few trad routes but still very new to using natural gear…Have been here for 2 months, and so far have climbed at the quarries, Wilyabrub, Bob’s Hollow…If you’re interested, email me on [email protected] or call 0409001911

      #6794 Reply

        Hey Kel, I’m a bit new too, climbing mostly 16’s and 17’s. Haven’t started lead yet, and been out to Churchmans Brook a few times but don’t have my own gear just yet. If you ever need a partner to do some indoor climbing with, I’m keen. Usually at Urban Ascent, but Rockface or Hangout are alright. Away next week Wed to Sun, but usually free most nights. Give me a call if you want to hook up and climb. Mel 0409 203 459.

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