John and I discovered some boulders on the weekend about 10 minutes away from the weir at Bickley.
– Follow the main blue gravel path until it is intersected by the major pea gravel path on the left (this is about 50m, it does not directly intercept the path, it has been blocked to stop trailbikes, though it has a thin path that snakes around)
– Turn left here and follow the track until it intercepts another major path on the left (this is about 100m and you will go past one minor track on the way)
– Turn left and this path and follow approximately 100 -150m to a boulder field on the left. There is a 45 degree boulder that would make a good traverse/ mantle problem. There are some other problems though they arent as good.
– To get to the other boulders, keep following the path until the boulder field on the right. make your way down to the base of this. The best boulders are around to the left. I took the rake down and did some clearing of dead vegetation but some more may be neccessary **be careful of loose rock as i have not cleaned the faces yet**
– From here if you look across the valley you will see some boulders on the other side. These boulders are actually quite easy to get to as there are many kangaroo tracks.
From what i can see here there are two climbs.
The 6 metre slab has been ascended, it is around a 14. i called it stencil art.
There is another climb to the left of this that looks quite good but it needs to have the dead vegetation cleared from the base.