mount roe

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  • #3637 Reply
    steve bontes

      mount roe lying 14.5 km north of mount frankland boasts some of the best virgin granite rock i have encounterd after gaining an accsess permit from calm to do a recon of the area.two routes were climbed one at the base of mount roe on a boulder which lies approx at the middle west face.and the other was an easy 3 pitch acsent of the west face itself.the boulder crack is on the middle of the east side of boulder.

      base camp boulder 9m 23

      natural pro

      up the crack starting overhung (crux) at wildcountry rock #6 and HB biner (left behind by accident i have been meening to go back for it but its a longwalk in)to more vertical rock and top out on top of boulder to rapp off karri tree close by.well protected.

      Steve Bontes,16/1/03

      west face.

      (little tree loves me,) 75m grade 15

      pitch one 40m vertually non existant pro

      start at left of base camp boulder at right trending crack and climb strait up past small shrub(ground fall danger i slung the small shrub for some phycolgical value) to belay on very big ledge on some small boulders at left end of upper face.

      scramble to right end of upper face…

      pitch 2 15m,grade 12

      better pro up crack and pockets to traverse right to belay at small ledge with bouler on…

      pitch 3 25m scramble to summit heading left along upper face ridge solo

      Steve Bontes,Gavin Drake 16/1/03

      mount roe will soon be in widerness area public accsess land i think?

      #3638 Reply

        cool , i saw mt roe from mt franklin last year and it looks impressive , but i couldnt get in due to dieback .

        how easy is it to get a permit?

        #3639 Reply

          HELLO STEVEN,


          LOVE GRANDMA

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