Mt Cuthbert boulders..

Home Forums Organise a climbing trip Mt Cuthbert boulders..

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  • #3232 Reply

      just a query what are mt cuthies boulders like in the summer months?…do the get as hot as the slab area or are they shaded?

      any advise on if and when to avoid them..would be appreciated



      #3233 Reply

        The boulders are on the west side of the mount & most climbs are on their west faces so shaded in morning. Generally it is tolerable to climb there all day, if it’s not too hot. March flies can be rampant, bring some strong stuff.

        #3234 Reply

          Cheers thanks ross…it was either there or may go and look at the freefall area at mt randell…which i gather will be similar for heat conditions as mt cuthies boulders

          #3235 Reply

            Good day to Australia and New Zealand, hello climber,

            I will come to Australia (Sept. 05 and Jan till July 06) and New Zealand (Oct. 05 till Jan.06) and I like to climb in that time a lot … BUT I have a problem. I am on my own (with a nonclimbing girlfriend)! So I’m looking for some climbing partners in all parts of Australia and New Zealand!

            So … if you like to meet a european climber (Grad +/- 18) or if you have climbingfriends or if you have friends, who know someone who climbs or if you have a friend, who has a friend and the sister of the neighbour of that friend climbs … I am sure you know what I mean 😉

            Feel free to send this email to all people or organisations you know. I’m glad about every contact I can get (even if my girlfriend want be it ;-).

            Do you know some good internet links?

            Do you need perhaps a „Climbing Partner Wanted“-Paper for the pinboard in your climbing gym or your climbingshop? Just write a hello and you will get it …

            Thanks in advance and regards from

            Frank ([email protected])

            from Germany

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