New 31 at Bobs hollow

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  • #1865 Reply
    Patrick Turner

      I have just made the First ascent of an old Chris Loane project down at bobs, about 3 to 4 metres right of Shaved cat. Its called Mr Grey and is about 31, maybe harder, though I cant decide as the climbing style is definately not what Im used to.

      The route consists of 2 very powerful, low percentage moves separated by a rest you could camp out at. The first of these moves starts at the 2nd bolt,and the second, at the 4th bolt just after the rest.

      The route is about 12 metres long and has 5 bolts and 2 loweroffs.

      So to sum it all up:

      MR GREY (31) 12metres, 5 bolts and 2 loweroffs, 3-5 metres right of shaved cat, Bobs WA.

      FA: Patrick Turner


      #1866 Reply
      Chris Dorrian

        Congratulations Patrick, that sounds like hard work.

        Are there any other climbs in WA at that sort of grade? – I see Chris Jones has also been busy in Kalbarri putting up hard routes.

        #1867 Reply
        Pa tTurner


          yes there is.

          Nathan put up a 31 called Lucid Dreams in Golgotha cave over a year ago now,which is a really good line.


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