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  • #6000 Reply

      Hi all, I have just put together a new Rock Climbing Forum and will be adding more pages and improvements as time goes by. This is just the forum, I have plans to have a front page and lots of pages of goodies for all.

      so please come and check it out.

      #6001 Reply
      John Knight

        Is this intended as a replacement for this one, due to the spam etc?

        #6002 Reply
        SHANE SHAW

          John i am not in any way trying to replace this forum. I am a CAWA member, however I just thought it mught be a good idea to have a little bit of a change and offer an alternative Forum. I do plan on adding more pages and have heaps more information on the site as time goes by. This is a start.

          So please feel free to post and tell everyone about it. If CAWA do manage to get a new web site up and running and they want a forum then I am more then happy to talk to them about taking over mine. Thats if people visit the forum and use it.

          hope to see you there


          #6003 Reply
          John Knight

            We were actually discussing replacing the forum at one point you see… (spam was getting terrible)

            #6004 Reply
            shane shaw

              ok well Try the new one out and lets let everyone know about it and get them to use it and maybe people can use it and come up with suggestions on what is needed and ?I will see what I can do to put it together

              #6005 Reply

                Once I get to my new house and get broadband (late February) I will rehash the CAWA web site to make it easier to upload files, pics etc, making use of standard tools rather than ground up. Shane’s effort is good for thought in the meantime and his willingness to contribute will be certainly noticed by the committee!

                I think that in the long run it would be useful to have just 1 WA discussion forum and other people can contribute info, knowledge, miniguides etc via linked blogs like what I am trying to do with rossclimbing. But it is a free world and eventually people will vote with their mice (mouses?).

                #6006 Reply

                  Ross is probably right, wa is small enough (in population) to only need one forum, but seeing as cawa has had years to do something about this one and didn’t. Shane has, off his own bat, created a very usable forum, very easy to navigate and I reckon it should be given a chance. If cawa like it, then work something out with Shane…

                  #6007 Reply
                  shane shaw

                    thanks Ross and Shannon for your comments. As I mentioned previously i am more then happy to contribute to the success of CAWA and if it means 1 forum in WA then I am all for it. If everyone starts to use the new one it can easily be transfer to any new site CAWA make.

                    In the mean time lets all try it and see what other people in the climbing community think needs to be done to it and lets together get a great new CAWA Site up and running.

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