new climbs at Mt Frankland

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  • #7985 Reply

      Some new moderate climbs were put up at Mt Frankland last weekend.

      ** Burmese Tiger (38m, 17)

      Start 15m R of “Free Burma”. Slightly devious start with disappointing handholds and then a fun bulge half way up. 10 bolts (GIMBs) and rings at top. FA: Ross Weiter, Dena Rao, Mar09.

      ** Purring Pussies (36m, 15)

      Start 10m R of “Siamese Tiger” and follow the white water streak to the ledge. Huge white crystals abound. 9 bolts (GIMBs) and rings at top. FA: Ross Weiter, Dena Rao, Mar09.

      The ring bolts at top are accessible from the ledge, have low drag and so can be used for top roping (on doubled ropes, or alt a 70m rope may reach). GIMBs = Glued-In Machine Bolts; best use RP hangers.

      #7986 Reply

        Burmese, not Siamese….getting senile…

        #7987 Reply

          Oops, another cockup, I have recommended RP hangers in my original post. No. Nooooo! Leave these suckers at home and bring 90degree PFH hangers. See page 20 of the Perth Guidebook (2002) for a discussion on this. New RP hangers will fit but after about 5sec of frigging around. But if the RP hanger has been fallen on and slightly twisted, it may not go on at all. PFH hangers will slide on immediately and forever. 🙂

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