** Czech Mate (18 m, 21)
Start 10m R of Real Life Ambition (see below). A right trending line straight out of a gym, featuring a jump start and an intimidating bulge. 5 ring bolts and loweroffs. FA: Ross Weiter, Linda Antonsitch, 18/7/04. I would appreciate any comments on the grade.
*** Real Life Ambition (15 m, 21)
The pumpy open corner/crack with 6 BRs and loweroffs, 2 m right of Chain Reaction. Rock looks suspect but isn’t; one of the best climbs in the quarry. FA: Neil Gledhill, Jim Truscott, Wayne Carroll, 8/9/02. 6th (top) bolt and loweroffs added by Ross Weiter 16/7/04.
Also, the loose block at the top of Chain Reaction is now glued into place. These 3 routes are all close together and good fun.