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We had the pleasure of being locked IN to Statham’s yesterday. The new code is 8017.
I am considering setting up a group on facebook where we can post codes and other info for climbers in Perth. Does anyone have any objections/ideas for such a group? I don’t want to take anything away from this forum or for that matter Ross’s blog – I just think it’s a good way to further spread the word … I’d be happy to check in regularly with DEC for the new codes.
If you don’t mind me asking, how did you manage that?
Common sense would dictate that if you get to a quarry gate and it is already open (which it should never be) then you don’t drive through unless you are sure you know the code in case whoever left it open locks it behind them.
Gate code’s aren’t hard to find out if you phone DEC, and that way you can also find out if there is a large commercial group in there and change plans before you get there.
Ha, a little harsh, but yes we basically didn’t think (or apply “common sense” :-D)- the gate was closed but not locked when we came in, and none of the three of us thought any more of it.
I know the codes are not hard to get in general but at 5.30 on a Saturday they certainly are. My idea of disseminating the codes through a facebook group is to make it a little bit easier to find that info out in case, god forbid, you DO find yourself locked in or out. I had a friend checking this forum for the new code but no one had posted it.
I’m not too sure that posting the codes somewhere would be a good idea. The DEC doesn’t have to let us into the quarries, the gate is there to keep out vandals and if giving climbers the code is unintentionally causing problems then they may stop doing it.
I know that AdventureOut now has a key to Mountain Quarry because of issues with the coded locks, so they are still covered if DEC stops giving the codes out.
From what I understand DEC don’t ‘change the codes’ they rotate locks between various sites in the area, so there are only a small number of possible combinations. I would be worried that there starts to become a database of all possible combinations, and they get word of it, then they may decide to shut us out.
I’m not saying how it is at the moment is perfect (a few weeks back the lock at Moutain Quarry jammed for example) but it seems to be mutually agreeable for the most part.
Your story however is a good reminder to everyone to make sure to check the codes as they do change.
You’re right David. I certainly wouldn’t want to be responsible for having us all shut out of the quarries! And I am in no way interested in making it easy for vandals to access the quarries. My idea is simply to give the climbing community another way of getting the word out about various things, codes being one small part of that.
Having said that, a possible solution might be to delete old posts of the codes as the new ones come to hand. This would prevent a database from forming. Of course it wouldn’t preclude someone writing them all down and forming their OWN database, but I imagine if they’re that determined, someone could simply call DEC regularly and form their ‘database’ that way. As creator of the group I am able to delete posts at any time.
It is possible that I might also make the group a ‘closed’ group, which would mean only members could see the wall and discussions. I set up the group last night and it is currently open to everyone. If anyone would like to join or has suggestions, the link is
or else search “Climb Perth”.
Here in Auckland we have a FB group which we use to organise climbing trips, comps, yoga, movie nights and other general crazyness.
I think we all find it easy to keep in contact that way as more people check FB than a forum.
I would be truly stoked if everyone used the group for those sorts of purposes – I know CAWA already does a great job of organising and promoting those sorts of things, but I figure the more ways for climbers to get together the better!
If someone is too lazy to spend 2 minutes making a phone call to DEC to get the code, are they also too lazy to be bothered with trivial little things like putting in protection or belaying?
That’s a pretty spurious analogy, Numbat. Not remembering to get the code is not the same as being too lazy, and not having the code doesn’t exactly endanger anyone’s life. Frankly, I’m too much of a wimp to be anything less than thorough when it comes to safety. I think we’ve all been guilty of not paying attention from time to time (Lynn Hill only half tying-on and then falling 70 feet into a tree comes to mind) and I’ll be very happy if the worst thing I ever do is not pay attention to a gate.
I say leave the codes with DEC. Be organised and call up before hand, you need to check the codes before getting access either FB or DEC so it might as well be DEC.
Is there a particular number to call at DEC to get the current gate code?
9295 2244
Takes a total of about 2 minutes.
Still a good idea Shev. With the spring weather the companies makeing money out of the quarries will start block booking. Displacing regular climbers. Best make it a private FB page. not worth arguing about.
Andrew I think you have missed the point. DEC change and supply the gate codes (they also have overall control of the quarries and how many people can be in there). I don’t understand why it is an issue calling them up to get the gate code and notify them that you will be climbing?? Yes the abseil groups will be block booking, but not getting the codes via DEC will stop that happening.
I kindof miss those vandals. They never locked me out of the quarries. Or in.