NEW Hot Rock climbing expedition: TransAfrica

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      Take a Big Red specially converted climbing expedition vehicle with a 13 foot bouldering wall on the back.

      Add 20-35 climbers from all over the world and head off around the globe developing new rock climbing areas and stopping at the best of the established ones. That’s Hot Rock.

      From August 07 you can join the truck for periods of time ranging from 3 weeks to 10 months or more as we journey all the way from Cape Town at the Southern tip of Africa, to Istanbul in Northern Turkey.

      From Table mountain to Mount Kenya, Namibia’s Spitzkoppe to Wehni, Ethiopia’s hidden prison mountain, and from the big walls of Malawi to the endless boulder fields of Tanzania, the Big Red truck will visit the very best climbing to be found throughout South and East Africa.

      Heading further north, we’ll traverse the Sahara desert, explore the limitless rock of Egypt and Wadi Rum, befriend bedouin nomads throughout the middle east, and marvel at ancient civilisations from Petra to the Pyramids – before clipping bolts and putting new routes up big walls in the vertical wonderland of Turkey.

      Other than existing guidebooks and our own bulging new routes book, we use climbing contacts and other local knowledge wherever we go to find and develop the very best crags.

      Grade is less important than attitude.Are you up for adventurous, unguided climbing and exploring, across the remotest corners of the globe? On past trips we’ve put up new routes from Diff to E6 (12-29), and (according to local ethics) bolted from f5a to f8a. Routes range from single pitch to 1800m big walls. We’ve found lost prison mountains and discovered the DWS potential of lakes and cliffs around the globe. And because you can’t always get Hot Rock – there’s alpine kit on board for those new routes or big ticks above the snowline too.

      Phone me on +44 7812 086 099 for a dossier of what to expect on the forthcoming trips or just go to for all the info.



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