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  • #8578 Reply

      To those who still boulder ,I recently sent the smiley face project at boulder rock and the prow project at kalamumda they are both awsome and conditions have been perfect to send.

      #8579 Reply

        Cool. What is the prow project? What area is it in?

        We’ve been bouldering outside about once a week for the last month and a half. there are still boulderers! We’ll probably go out somewhere again the end of the week.

        Good onya for sending those projects!

        #8580 Reply

          Thanks Mike .The prow which is now called ,Minus 1. is at the mini grit grag just before you reach trackside boulders kalamunda. It is an obvious prow slightly over hanging. Great to here people are getting out and about.

          #8581 Reply
          John Knight

            Nice, man! Was the smiley face tricky? It’s been ages, but I think the last time I was there, I hadn’t even thought about it (I’m still around V2-V3, lol). Glad to know Boulder Rock is still being climbed

            #8582 Reply

              Minus 1 sounds intriguing. Is it as hard as Smiley Face? I know others will have to repeat it to give consensus but what grade do you reckon it is? I know the numbers game is just that (a game) but it’s a fun game if it’s not taken too seriously. I’ve just made a huge list of all the V4s and V5s in Perth for me to tick off and I wouldn’t be able to do that without the old numbers game. Gives me something to shoot for but I don’t take it too seriously.

              Anyway– must feel really good to send projects that you put so much effort into.

              good job.

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