new route at Lost World, Fern Road

Home Forums First Ascents new route at Lost World, Fern Road

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  • #9893 Reply
    Ross Weiter

      * Raindance (10 m, 18)

      Start 2 m L of PFR. Bouldery moves past two FH, then up easy slab to lower-offs. FA: Ross Weiter (solo, before bolting).

      The lower-offs are new and can also be used on Elemental.

      #9894 Reply

        been hopelessly out of touch with climbing recently… where abouts is the lost world area? and where can i find more information on it?


        #9895 Reply

          It’s under the “Fern Road” section of the Perth Guide. FR is on the Mundaring Weir Road about 1/2 way between Kalamunda and the weir. Grades are 11-19, all routes (but 2) have loweroffs, it was developed as a fun crag for casual/moderate climbers. Winter is a good time to go…there is some water runoff from the top so give it a day or two to dry out after rain (not as bad as the quarries for water but not as good as Toodyay). Enjoy 🙂

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