New Route at Mountain Quarry

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  • #3560 Reply
    Jim Truscott

      *Sex, Cigarettes and Chardonnay 50m 19

      Start just right of FLA and listen for the beat in the breast. This route is a real traffic accelerator.

      Pitch One. 35m 18. Tricky move to gain the slab. 5BR and mid-size friends. Belay below the headwall.

      Pitch Two. 15m 19. Power over the headwall, gingerly cross the slab and crank up the arête. 5BR to chains.

      Jim Truscott, M. Rosser 23 Jan 05

      #3561 Reply
      John Knight

        A 19! How many does that make in WA now? 2? 😉

        #3562 Reply

          actually john..i was just rather bored i went through the climb wa section and in perth alone there are 39 grade 19’s listed..not including any of the new route stuff or mini guides

          #3563 Reply
          John Knight

            I was only kidding. 🙂 There was a short article in the last Western Climber, called something like “Where are all the 19s?”. People seem to be skipping 19, either saying it’s too easy and making it 18 or talking up to 20 (or even perhaps they’re simply not there),

            #3564 Reply

              yeah thats ok john….you actually got me wondering becuase you dont really see (or prehaps we dont really notice) the grade 19’s….so i started thinking …how many of them are there…and as i said i was bored..what i didnt add was i was at work..(and being at work and working should be mutually exclusive)…lol

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