New to Perth and need a climbing buddy!

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares New to Perth and need a climbing buddy!

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  • #7867 Reply
    Ben Murphy

      Hey there,

      I moved to perth a few months ago, have just joined the club but i need a climbing buddy/ies! I have climbed indoor/outdoors on and off for a few years but have not climbed for over a year now but want to get back into it. I suppose i am at a beginner-intermediate level.

      so if anyone needs a buddy or doesn’t mind having another one then let me know!

      I live in Warwick so i think Rockface will be better for me.

      my mob is: 040 327 67 58

      #7868 Reply

        Hey mate. I’m looing for a climbing buddy and i usually climb at rockface. Only been into it a few months but eager to crack on and gain some experience, strength and technique. I usually climb during the week after work around 5 ish usually. Wont be able to make it for a few weeks due to work commitments but after that i will get back to my usual routine of 4 times a week or so. Send me an email if your keen to partner up and we can organise a day. Its [email protected]

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