Public transport? In Perth?
There are buses and trains, but usually they are late or early and don’t go anywhere useful. You’ll wait for an hour and no buses come along and so you start walking and then four will go past. Or you catch a train and arrive at the station just in time to see your connecting bus disappear.
Actually it’s not quite that bad, but it can be hard to get around sometimes. Perth is a very car-oriented city. You either need a car or a friend with a car, particularly if you want to go climbing or something like that.
Apart from that, there is good climbing near Perth and even better ‘down south’ and elsewhere.
Based in Perth is CAWA and we organise regular trips away to various places – the next trip is 30 May – 02 June to Kalbarri, about 600 km north of Perth. The last trip was a few weeks ago to the Stirling Ranges, about 400 km south.
There are several loose ‘groups’, I suppose you could say, that go climbing around Perth on the weekends – there’s the young hunks, old farts, hardmen etc etc, so when you get here best to find a group that you like and get involved and go climbing. Usually the trips away end up with a very diverse range of people going climbing!