no CAWA discount at Hangout

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  • #2618 Reply

      I was surprised today to find that my CAWA card no longer gets me a discount at the Hangout. The stated reason: apparently some people have been using counterfeit cards to get the discount – shame on you, whoever you are!

      With CAWA memberships due for renewal soon, I’d suggest they be somehow a bit harder to copy, and a distinct new colour each year. Perhaps CAWA could provide gyms with a list of names of paid-up members, so that only those of us with an up-to-date card and matching name on the list get the discount. In response, I’d ask the Hangout for our discount back again (please!).

      CAWA needs to be able to offer discounts to attract members, and the gyms should realise that both directly and indirectly CAWA is good for their business. For consideration: CAWA might reconsider holding gym crashes at gyms that don’t offer any discount?

      [I’m not trying to offend anyone here, apart from those who cheat the system, just trying to encourage a good win-win relationship between CAWA and all the gyms.]

      #2619 Reply

        Hi all,

        I’ve just rung the Hangout, and they still have discounts for CAWA members. CAWA Tuesday, when we have gym crashes, is $7.00 and for the rest of the week, CAWA members get the same as the student discount, $9.50.

        For anyone faking a CAWA card, it’s only $40.00 for a single metro member, so it’s hardly worth the time and effort to fake a card. For those who think even that is wasted money, think about this for a moment. CAWA is not actually a bunch of old dinosaurs who want all the bolts pulled out, and everybody to climb in old leather boots with cleats and use hemp ropes. CAWA is a bunch of people who care about “you” being able to climb, and is the only body in Western Australia that is even able to think about liasing with government departments to ensure that, when your access is under threat, there is somebody who will speak for climbers. Without CAWA, (and Chris Dorrian, webmaster extraordinaire), even this website wouldn’t exist. If there wasn’t a CAWA, climbers would pretty soon have to invent one. I know for such an individualistic sport, an association almost appears to be a tautology, but there you go. That’s the big world for you.

        Cheers all.

        #2620 Reply

          Before anyone jumps on me, that’s oxymoron not tautology.


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