OMG – They’re on to us!

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      I recently found a document entitled “Climbers out of control” on a government webpage. It seems we are causing considerable concern!!! Here are some excerpts about what they have to say about climbers:

      “Also capable of causing problems are the four climbers listed below. They have been singled out for further description… …simply because so many people are won over by their beauty…

      Some have tips that twist clockwise or anti-clockwise, threading their way… Some use tendrils or hook-like thorns to gain a foothold every few centimeters as they rise.

      Typically, people want a climber to hide an ugly fence, create shade, form a privacy screen or soften the appearance of a wall.

      Once a climber is well established, it can develop great mass and cause considerable damage as well as nuisance value.

      If a climber is too high to reach easily or has entered a roof, get it removed by a specialist

      who has adequate insurance in case of accident.

      High density housing is increasing. Often this means outdoor space is reduced to a tiny courtyard or just a balcony. People moving from an old quarter acre block to a unit, townhouse or apartment may be tempted to bring (climbers) from their previous garden… to create a feeling of familiarity.

      Climbers especially should be scrutinised before being introduced… but still you should monitor their speedy spread into the next door… or over the balcony and into the visual space of the residents below.”

      However, it does also say a few things that aren’t too bad about climbers:

      “Some climbers are so well-loved that it would be unreasonable to suggest people avoid them altogether. However, to lessen the chances of problems developing, take care when locating… Tempting though it may be to let climbers intermingle, it is better to keep them separate. If later you decide one must be removed, it is inconvenient to have to unravel…”

      You have been warned!

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