online shops

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  • #9126 Reply


      Could people suggest their favourite/trusted online sites for gear shopping? I’m starting to head outdoors and looking to have my own set of necessary bits and pieces.



      #9127 Reply
      David Wyndham is the best online shop in Aus that I know of. rock hardware, Cliffhangar gym, and a couple other gear stores exist out East with better range, but none can match CA for price.

        Then there are US based ones, MTNtools, Moosejaw, REI, etc. etc. Postage can be an issue, you will likely need an intermediary in the USA.

        #9128 Reply

          I have used GearExpress out of the US straight to Perth with no problems.

          With the aussie dollar up again…..

          I believe you will be charged tax if the value is over $1000 Aust.

          Need to check the Customs website.

          #9129 Reply
          Luke B

            US online stores are definitely the way to go. Shipping from these sites is usually a more or less flat rate (~ $100), so the more you buy the better the deal, consider sharing the shipping cost with friends (as long as you stay below $1000 and avoid the tax).

            A few more suggestions in no particular order:






            Look out for sales – I just got a pair of last years Evolv Optimus Primes for $100 shipped (rrp in Aus $230).

            #9130 Reply

              I got great prices and great service from Mountain Tools

              in California. Its a family business so they work on repeat sales (good service) and gear takes very little time to arrive, they also have a massive range:


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