Outdoor comp

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  • #2685 Reply

      Hi everybody,

      Certain people are under way organising an outdoor boulder comp. As this is the official annoncement that it should be on I was wondering what the interest would be like.

      If your up for it please let me know. Either post here or tell at the gym if you see me and there will be an expressions of interest sheet at the indoor comp on sunday.

      Please note that is not a die hard serious comp but more of an attempt to promote bouldering in this state and get people to meet, because bouldering is a social activity whatever the cynics say.

      Have fun all

      #2686 Reply

        Heck yeah, sounds like fun! Let me know if you need help organising too.

        #2687 Reply

          I had a sneaking suspision that you might be the first reply. Get back to work you lazy university employee (from another lasy university employee)


          #2688 Reply

            I’m not lazy! I just work SOOO hard that I need to take frequent ‘brain breaks’ or I’d explode from the sheer stress of it all.

            😛 right back at ya!

            #2689 Reply
            John Knight

              Strewth, this wasn’t my idea was it? Lol, sounds like a typical John idea! I guess there are other boulder kiddies around. 🙂

              Doubt I’ll make sunday, i’m crook as. 🙁

              #2690 Reply
              John Knight

                I just knackered my knee today too, hit it with a golf club (by accident), and my car’s having a serious bit of work done, i aint gonna make it for sure!

                #2691 Reply

                  outdoor boulder comp / gathering cool! – Dave and I are totally in – where’s it to be held and approx when ?

                  #2692 Reply

                    Hey all,

                    Just to let you know the interest shown at the comp on sunday means that the comp is going ahead. The date at the moment is october 30th. The location secret. (sort of)

                    Details will be up soon at your local gum and hopefully on this website.

                    see you all


                    #2693 Reply

                      Sorry Edd wont be able to make it. Maybe ill play in the world class boulder field at the base of the chief instead 🙂 Wont be the same without everyone though 🙁

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