Outdoor Lead climbing course (trad)

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  • #13104 Reply

      Hi guys,

      After several years of sports climbing outdoors I am keen to dip my toes into some trad climbing. Before forking out for a rack I thought that I would do the right thing and take a course. I have only been able to find two such courses:



      I suspect actually that the first one is by adventure out as well and maybe one is an old link the adventure out course at an old location.

      Anyhow before booking for this I have some questions:

      Are the courses worthwhile?

      Are there other courses that are better?

      And does anyone want to do the course with me in the near future ($30 discount if we can get three or more people).


      #13113 Reply

        Some people get a lot of value from the AO course. Though it encourages some to lead when they’re not ready. Most people probably don’t go on courses but learn gradually. Do mixed routes. Climb with others, borrow a rack, do all the elevens, twelves, thirteens, etc etc. Seconding and cleaning natural routes is good experience. Some girls used to climb with us. They picked it up fairly quickly. Freaky experience for them (and for us). Not that many natural routes around Perth. Churchmans has some very vertical moderates. First Route is easy to protect except the upper section. The Bite, if you mess it up completely the tree will catch you. Protection on The Fang needs imagination. The Sting is good for big gear. The quarries, can only think of Playboy. Can’t think of hard naturals. Darlington – Slot Machine. Lots down South. Be careful of Wilyabrup. Everything flares.

        #13114 Reply

          Hi Richard,

          As you say, it makes a lot of sense to lead mixed routes first (less risk) until you get the hang of it. I suppose then your advice also boils down to “Learn as much as you can about trad climbing before the course” which is sensible, to really understand the instruction you need to have experience with the gear.

          Thanks for the specific advice about climbs, very helpful.


          #13493 Reply

            Hi Matt,

            I’ve had a chance to second experienced climbers on a few occasions and this works great as you get to examine their gear placements. I can also recommend ‘Climbing Anchors’ book. The course should be great too and you’ll get someone looking over your shoulder in a safe environment.

            I just bought some cams and stoppers and am going to play around with them to get the hang of placing natural gear. Will probably head to Churchmans or Stathams on a weekend and try placing protection off a top rope first. Maybe climb some easy mixed routes. If you’d like to join in, let me know on 0408 955 177.


            #14377 Reply

              Hey All

              Adventure out has lead course 3/4 November. Min 3 for lead course to go ahead. Anyone interested? Looking for another person for it to go ahead. Ask for a discount too!




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