partner wanted indoor/outdoor Perth

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  • #13394 Reply


      I´m looking for climbing partner/s for indoor and outdoor climbing around Perth.

      My name is Lars, I´m from Germany and going to stay here in Perth for the next three month .

      The cream of the crop for me , is going outside into the nature and just climb.

      I`ve been climbing now intensively for the last 1,5 years and I´m experienced in toprope , leadclimb and different belay methods.

      My weight is 85 Kg and my upper limit is currently 5.10d .

      Best days 3. 4. 5. / 17. 18. 19. / 31. of august

      1. 2. / 14. 15. 16. / 28. 29. 30. of september

      because of shiftwork.


      so ´ll be pleased if you give me an answer

      or just call      0439474162



      ( during the workdays I`ll often go to the Hang Out climbing center Perth )


      #13543 Reply
      Tim ball

        Hi Lars , my name is Tim . I am in Perth for the next six weeks and want to climb as much as poss .i like anything but prefer trad multipitch routes . I have been climbing all round the world for over thirty years.let me know if you want to go out [email protected]

        #13593 Reply

          @ Tim ,
          Hi , I tried to send you a mail , but the adress failed ….. Don’t know ….

          So, I`ve  also done some trad routes, but not so much , so i haven`t gained much experience.
          There`s also the problem , that i have not my complete gear with me.
          I`m just equipped with shoes and chalk , tomorrow I`m going to buy a harness and some carbines.
          Perhaps a rope, if there`s someone i can climb with.

          tomorrow and sunday I have my first free days…. perhaps , we can meet us for climbing

          C U


          #13775 Reply
          Tim ball

            Lars send me your email , I have some good pics of porongirups, Tim.

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