pay to climb at willyaburp?

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  • #1785 Reply

      cruised to willyaburp the other day and noticed a new sign near the car park. it mentions that your walking across private land ..fair enough but then mentions taht you need to get apermit from calm to climb there. what a load of fucking crap.

      #1786 Reply

        Once in a while land managers attempt to decrease their exposure to public liability by putting up signs with statements like that. This is often done without any consultation with users, any though as to practicability, any attempt at enforcement and hence any actual results.

        #1787 Reply

          Ah, Ross and Micko,

          Don’t organised groups have to get permits to do anything at Willyabrup? I seem to remember in the dim, dark recess in the back of my mind that this is the case. If so it doesn’t affect climbers such as us who are not commercial groups and in that case it’s not such a bad thing either. Otherwise you could have a hundred abseilers from a bunch of different adventure groups all falling over each other while you were trying to climb.



          #1788 Reply

            Climbers are meant to get a permit to climb if they are in a group of more than 5, I seem to remember. It is not just the commercial groups. I don’t know of anyone that has applied for the permit though.

            #1789 Reply

              the sign atwillyabrup relates only to commercial operaters and private groups larger than 5 so i have been assured by the local calm ranger

              #1790 Reply
              Andrew Waugh

                This issue was discussed (to some extent) at the CAWA AGM.

                The following web-site points to the “LEEUWIN – NATURALISTE NATIONAL PARK – Caving and Abseiling Permit System” <;. It is a booked produced by CALM with revision date November 1999.

                It talk mainly to caving but wilyabrup is mentioned as an abseiling site quoting… “Abseiling on the Wilyabrup sea cliffs is to be administered under this Permit System from December 1999. Fees and payments are the same as for other abseil sites.”

                It classifies Wilyabrup Sea Cliffs as an abseiling site with “Max Number Participating (Includive of instructors and assistants)” as “20 (x 5)”. I take this to mean 20 in total with five per group… but this sure is unclear.

                The fees under the absiling sites are “Sites can be booked up to 12 months in advance. Cancellations giving 14 days notice will receive a full refund, cancellations giving less than 14 days notice will incur a $5 minimum booking fee per site. “

                It doesn’t spell out private v commercial v not-for-profit club uses… in my opinion the literally interpretation is that ALL users must comply with this permit system…

                …but I can’t speak to the “intent” of CALM on this point.


                #1791 Reply
                Ben Jeffrey

                  What sign…..?? I didn’t see no sign.. 🙂

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