Peak Charles miniguide

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  • #7296 Reply

      I will be updating the Peak Charles miniguide to rev5 shortly. If you know of any new climbs, link-ups, etc, other than listed on this site, please let me know. Same goes for comments on grades, bolts, whatever. Thank yoo!

      #7297 Reply

        Farside Wall

        Santa Pitch 2 (22): First Unascent.

        I witnessed a capable team attempting the bolted second pitch of Santa.

        They came to the conclusion that around the first bolt most holds had been broken off. Those that remained were easily removed leaving a few meters of smooth rock around the bolt. If climbable the grade may be considerably more than 22.

        Suspended Animation (19)

        Was good if short. Would be nice to put in a lower section as abseiling in is almost more trouble than it’s worth.

        Note that the top of the cliff is steep requiring natural gear for the top belay and a grade 9 roped traverse to get on and off. at least for Santa and The Pharmacist. it’s possible to scramble carefully to the top of Suspended animation .

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