Perth buddy needed

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Perth buddy needed

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  • #6779 Reply

      Getting back into climbing after a few years off due to geography. 33, pretty fit, did about six months in NZ a few years back. Got to climbing about a 19-20 indoor with the odd outdoor mission. Just moved to town, really keen to climb indoors evenings or weekends with an eye to outdoor after a while.

      #6780 Reply

        just moved here form the u.s. been to the hangout once. got a local guidebook- haven’t been out yet. mostly i like real rock- but gyms are a necessary evil. my cell phone is 0415700560. i have weekends off and some evenings with the odd day off during the week.

        i’ve been climbing about 6 years- so sport, trad, multi pitch. have all the gear. cheers- jolene

        #6781 Reply

          Cool, I’ll txt you later in the week. Probably good for a weekend climb. I’ve got the basics, harness, shoes, act and a few other bits.


          #6782 Reply

            Hey guys. I’m keen to climb with a group of people. More keen on the social side of meeting like minded people, not too hard core intermediate climber. Drop me an email: [email protected] I’m free week day evenings 6ish and up for some outdoor wkd climbs.

            #6783 Reply

              Hey Warrick,

              I’m keen on finding crew to climb with. I’ll probably be heading to Northbridge (the Hangout) tomorrow night if you’re up for that. My number is 0411 141246.



              #6784 Reply

                Correction, not Northbridge, Bayswater.

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