Perth Guidebook

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  • #8405 Reply

      Not sure how many people have noticed but I have put up a request on the home page, under “Latest News” for people to send me some photos. Only got a couple of responses so far, which is a bit sad. C’mon people, I know some of you have cameras much bigger than mine!

      I am also looking for other contributions: cartoons to illustrate the book with, local jokes, that sort of thing.

      Pay is poor but immortality becons, eh?

      BTW the fully updated text will be available in gyms for review in 2 weeks. Then I’ll be working on the pics.

      #8406 Reply

        Couple of extra bits information/clarifications on the Photo Comp:

        1. The deadline for the photo comp is 31 August.

        2. When I said that pics other than cover will not be credited, I meant that there will not be a credit on or at the location of the photo. All contributors WILL be acknowledged on the page following the Title Page. This would be the same as for the old 2002 Guide. Sorry for any confusion.

        I’ve had 4 people contributing so far, any more?

        #8407 Reply
        second in command(uk topr

          would love to send some pics of the uk topropaz squad in action where should i send them

          #8408 Reply

            I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the fantastic people who have sent me their photos for use in the guidebook, and there were many. I am sorting through them. This process will probably take until the end of October when the winner will be announced (and the guidebook will be going to the print shop). Cheers.

            #8409 Reply

              Perth Guidebook update:

              I have now finished the thing and in a couple of days it will be off to Dena for a final proof-read. Going to printer on 1 Nov, as per schedule. The number of climbs has gone up from 714 in 2002 to 971 today. Everything is fully updated. Now working on the cover page.

              I am looking forward to resuming life… 🙂

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