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  • #3489 Reply
    Doug Sherring

      Sunday Times photographer needs to get some spectacular shots of climbers in WA for publication.

      If your climbing soon and interested in getting a few free pics for nothing-get in touch

      #3490 Reply

        Good day to Australia and hello climber,

        I will come to Australia (Sept. 05 and Jan till July 06) and I like to climb in that time a lot … BUT I have a problem. I am on my own (with a nonclimbing girlfriend)! So I’m looking for some climbing partners in all parts of Australia – specially in WA and NT!

        So … if you like to meet a european climber (Grad +/- 18) or if you have climbingfriends or if you have friends, who know someone who climbs or if you have a friend, who has a friend and the sister of the neighbour of that friend climbs … I am sure you know what I mean 😉

        Feel free to send this email to all people or organisations you know. I’m glad about every contact I can get (even if my girlfriend want be it ;-).

        Do you know some good internet links?

        Do you need perhaps a „Climbing Partner Wanted“-Paper for the pinboard in your climbing gym or your climbingshop? Just write a hello and you will get it …

        Thanks in advance and regards from

        Frank ([email protected])

        from Germany

        #3491 Reply

          Would love some free photos! Not sure how spectacular for you though, as can only lead to 18-19 with trad gear. However we get to Willyabrup, Bobs Hollow etc fairly often. With the weather down here your never sure of bright sunshine for pics. Do you have your own gear to ascend/descend ect? If you want higher grades there are some other crew down here I could put you in touch with. [email protected]

          #3492 Reply

            Might be able to help you out. Where & when?

            #3493 Reply
            Paddy Barker

              Hi Doug, We ( THe Irish Examiner Newspaper) are trying to get a picture you took of a Horse called SAMOOD with stud manager Wendy Liddelow. Could you please contact me ? : [email protected] or: 00-353-87-2376802 ( Mobile).

              Regards, Paddy Barker.

              #3494 Reply

                Doug, Just spied your message and would like to talk with you regarding climbing photography.

                I would love to climb and get some photos taken as i am normally on the other end of the camera.

                I have many photos of climbing, taken with a Cannon 350 Dslr taken outdoor and indoor from a the last couple of years.

                You can take some of these images, they just need to be touched up on photoshop and they’re yours.

                You can contact me on 0422 575 797.


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