
Home Forums Bolting Porangups

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  • #3187 Reply
    Mike File

      Hi I got this message from a German friend who was visting WA a while ago, might be worth noting/repeating????

      “By the way, I donk know if there is a forum / a way of reporting new routes

      in Western Australia. When we where there, I’ve opend a route and maybe it

      is a good idea to give this information to the peopel who climb there. do

      you want to foreward this infos for me?

      25. 03. 05


      “Stop over” 28, 2 bolts, the wall between “sir lancelot” and “guinevere”

      straight up, at the first bolt diagonally left to 2. bolt and straight up to

      the top. (lead after toproping, a first bolt should be addet, the hole is

      already there. In that stage dangerous to the 1. bolt.)

      #3188 Reply

        Sorry about the spelling should be Porongurups

        #3189 Reply

          Do you know where in the Pongies that is? Castle Rock? E

          #3190 Reply

            castle rock.

            its the same bay as karma, just left a bit.

            #3191 Reply

              Hey Emil,

              This sounds alot like the route we were top roping a while ago. Had a hard move towards the top but 28? Or am i thinking of a diff face route to the left of Karma.

              #3192 Reply

                Yep, thats where i thought it was. nope, 28 is a bit stiff i reckon. Probably gonna change though – that wall is as loose as bluff knoll

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