Don’t be put off, some of the best days of the year are during winter & early spring, if you can time it between frontal systems and large swells. Statistically December & January are the windiest months in much of southern Australia, and one must remember inhabitants of Perth tend to be a little soft when it comes issues of weather and swell!!
West Cape in general is a good place for having a couple of racks, plus a 50-70m static abseil line. Extra gear for setting up rap anchors (slings & some big ‘ol hexes are handy above many walls) plus gear for semi-hanging or perched belays in many cases. Two sets of wires and an extra serving of cams .5 to 2″ good on many routes. The horizontal breaks of the dolerite tend to be fairly regular and suit cams of this size, while as you know many pitches are relatively long for WA.
And when those thumping sub-polar groundswells are causing the whole cliff to shudder, you don’t want to run out of gear!!