Diane – you don’t use the crack to L. The climb is up the face but a straight vertical line up is NOT the easiest way to do it, try traversing a bit. I think it is no harder that any 16 slab(ish) climb around Perth (Darlington, Cuthbert, Wungong)according to the punters who did the FA with me. Beta – from start go 1m right grabbing the faint ramp, so you are just R of the first bolt. Grab high hold above overlap with R hand, traverse back L and up over top of the first bolt and stand on nice large edge. Clip bolt 2 and continue up L. The rock has reasonable friction, just try different things. It’s a technical climb and little power is required. Kid Rock is bit more of a gym climb: big holds, a bit of power at top, differnt kettle of fish. Apples and pears, really.