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  • #5210 Reply

      Message to George SCWA. Thanks for your efforts over the past year, great job to see some new routes and some old routes made new. I know that all the climbs that you have re bolted are listed on this web site but is there a one stop shop (excel spreadsheet) that has all climbs to be bolted / have been bolted on it. I seem to recall one in the early days and I just think it would be worthwhile putting it out to see what has been done and what needs to be done. It also should show more clearly the amount of effort that has gone into it to date and that the funds are being put to good use. It may also inspire a few more to bolt rebolt/bolt some more lines… Happy bolting and may the expansion live on.

      #5211 Reply

        Yep, see

        There is a thread for Perth/MR routes that people want rebolted in the “Bolting” section of the CAWA forum.

        #5212 Reply

          Cheers Mark:)

          We have an up to date website (well reasonably!!:)that has a full rebolted route database,news and donations sections(plus heaps of info on bolting best practices that is shared with SCV and SCQ). I have been a little time poor when it has come to updating the news and donations, but it all goes on here first anyway.

          But as you mentioned their isn’t a spreadsheet of climbs that are waiting for a rebolt. I have said before on the perth/margaret river thread that we want as much info on climbs that people think need some attention, but at the moment we are mainly rebolting things in our near vacinity (but we will eventually get there:)

          Due to receiving some fantastic donation the kitty is not bare and all parties have plenty of equipment to get some more work done.

          If you want to donate and nominate a climb at your local crag to be fixed up, then get in contact with us and we will see what we can do:).

          To find out what routes have been re-bolted and any other info on SCWA, please look us up on or email us on [email protected]

          Thanks again to all those who have supported SCWA over the last year, we really appreciate it.



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