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  • #8776 Reply

      As there are bolts in the jar and some time available, has anybody got any suggestions for any replacements or lower off additions?.


      #8777 Reply

        I understand that when Stainless Steel was rebolted the old ones were pretty mank. Were Heavy Metal and Washed Up Punks bolted around the same time? (Have they already been rebolted? I haven’t been on them in years)


        #8778 Reply

          The bolts on Stainless steel were really only mank in terms of the fact that they were skinny, short carrots.

          the bolts on HM and WUP’s are SS expansions, which look in pretty good shape. Put it this way, they were on the list but not a high priority. Was keen to get the bolt tester on them, but moved to perth instead!.

          I will get around to them one day.

          #8779 Reply

            How about Llama Rock? Was there on Sunday and up the top are the usual M&J carrots. While I have no problem climbing or belaying off the carrots, it’s a bit of a pain in the you-know-what getting your gear off and rapping down. You have to go back and forth along the ridge clipping and unclipping to get your gear and then rap down of a single ring-bolt.

            And how about some of the ones at Boya? A while back I put in 8 ring-bolts on the Modern Tactics wall as anchors at the top there were also the usual M&J carrots. But the Enduring Freedom area could probably do with some as well, although a bit of care would be needed as the surface of the rock is crap. Both areas have some very nice climbs.

            Also Barrington could do with some anchors up the top.

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