Ring-Bolting at Darlington Boulders

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  • #3184 Reply

      It appears someone is having a thrash at ringbolting at Darlington Boulders.

      These bolts have been incorrectly placed and will become unsafe over time. The main problem is they have not been correctly recessed into the rock. Recessing the bolt prevents “twisting” loads from transferring to the glue in a fall. Over repeated falls the glue is damaged and the bolt eventually falls out.

      If the person adding the bolts reads this message thanks for your efforts (this is costly for you! )but I strongly recommend you read:


      It would be best if these bolts are removed, the holes properly recessed and the bolts reglued.

      #3185 Reply

        Recessed P’s are more of a nice to have rather than a mandatory requirement. If they are placed thoughtfully then recessing them has negligible benefit. I’d be a lot more worried about the expansions bolts falling out at the top of that rock than those P’s.

        #3186 Reply

          I checked out the manufactures recommendations and from I can see you are right, there is no mandatory requirement for recessing.

          I note however that most people recess and I in my opinion this is good practice and makes the bolts less visible (and less likely to be pulled).

          I climbed in Brisbane at Kangeroo Point over the weekend and those chaps have done a splendid job replacing old bolts with nicely recessed rings (and hangers).

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