RIP Zombie Man (buried next to Ersatz)

Home Forums Climbing Talk RIP Zombie Man (buried next to Ersatz)

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  • #2572 Reply

      I got on Zombie Man at Stathams Quarry today and am now quite depressed. This route climbed very well and through consencus was graded 30. Unfortunately i broke off the crux side pull lower down and the bottom half of a hold near the top just below a pinch hold that was also freshly broken but not by me (maybe the route was done with the pinch already broken?). This route is now alot harder (maybe finally solid 31). Ersatz is also not doable due to broken holds. Maybe in the future these broken glue shaped holds should be replaced by drilled pockets to avoid the problem of ageing glue becoming brittle.

      #2573 Reply

        Boo hoo Bogie. The Perth climbing community laments the glue falling off a pile of choss that would snap most of our tendons anyway. 30 or 31? Its still a pile… Ps you still up for the weekend?

        #2574 Reply

          You bet your sweet ass i am! Finally somewhere with quality! Oh and about the tendons: Toughen up Princess and dry your eyes.

          #2575 Reply
          John Knight

            Thanks for admitting it on the board, lesser men wouldn’t. I’d cut down on the Big Macs for a while though! 😉

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