Rock Climbing in March/April

Home Forums Organise a climbing trip Rock Climbing in March/April

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  • #12311 Reply

      Hey there,

      around march/april, I will be for some weeks in WA and it would be really awesome to go climbing on some different spots. Unfortunately I could only bring my harness and shoes from germany, but at least I have a car. I practised sport climbing in Europe for many years, but so far I did only one week trad at Arapiles. If anyone out there is interested in a climbing trip, please contact me.


      #12409 Reply
      Bjørn-Ovin Wivestad

        Hi, I’m a Viking staying in Perth for a couple of weeks and is interested in climbing this weekend, 17th-18th March. I’ve got personal gear but no rope or protection. I have been trad climbing for a couple of decades so if we can get the gear we’ll do fine. 🙂



        #12459 Reply

          Anyone interested in a climb this weekend? (24-25 March)How about a Sunday day trip from Perth?



          wylie dot james at gmail dot com

          #12542 Reply
          rob wall

            I will be in Kalbarri climbing April 19th for 4 days. Call me if you are keen 0427774974 Rob Wall.

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