
Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares ROCKclimbers

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  • #7838 Reply

      from scotland been in oz a year now.

      think its time i started climbing what rock there is.

      mainly climbed on trad routes hav plenty experiance leading.

      looking for outdoor climbers to climb wa

      #7839 Reply
      David Wyndham

        A.D Give us your email address and we can let you know when climbing is happening.

        Or if you don’t want to post it you can contact me through the UWA ODC contact page

        #7840 Reply

          Another bunch of us often go out Sunday arvo. I’ll put you on our email list as well, if you put your email up.

          #7841 Reply


            I’m from Taipei, Taiwan.

            I’ve been in Perth for 2 months,

            usually climb in Rockface 3 or 4 times a week and expect to climb outdoor strongly.

            Plz let me know any next activites.

            My email: [email protected]


            #7842 Reply
            Scott F

              Hi there AD and others

              Am keen to spend more time on real rock as well. Plenty of time leading mostly trad routes. Have had a bit of time off the rock so will need some time to get my body (and more importantly my mind) back on track. My work schedule is reasonably flexible so multi day mid week trips south are fine by me.

              Those keen my email is as follows [email protected] (and cross your fingers for some dry weather!!)

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