rucksacks, tents, sleeping bags

Home Forums For sale, Lost, Found, Wanted… rucksacks, tents, sleeping bags

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  • #6845 Reply

      Rucksacks. Oztrail Bacala 45L $30

      Sleeping bags. Hastings 0 to -5 $20

      Tents 2 man Oztrail $25

      Primus Pocket rockets $20

      all of the above equipment has been used once and stored for 1 year and in near new condition. ph 0439477454

      #6846 Reply

        Hi Dave,

        I’m interested in 2 sleeping bags and 1 backpack. Not in a hurry, so we can probably catch up at one of the indoor or outdoor climbing places.

        Hynek 0408 955 177

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