Sad tale of loss…

Home Forums Accidents, near-misses and mishaps Sad tale of loss…

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  • #8930 Reply

      I was out climbing once…

      With a shiela who is pretty good.

      She was leading up a slab and dropped one of my quickdraw’ish thingys (2 crabs with a sling).

      I cried as I watched it slide, tinkling all the way down the slab to land near me.

      She will say I am using this forum to torture her but I actually wanna know how safe is it to continue using the crabs or the sling?

      #8931 Reply
      A Sheila

        Ooops. Personally, I have always retired krabs that have been dropped down cliffs by other muppets. They now have band-aids on them to remind me, and they live on backpacks for attaching random items.

        #8932 Reply

          The sling you’d think would be ok. People throw ropes down 30m cliffs without seeming to worry much. The carribiners are a judgement call. Depends on the longest drop. If they slid down a slab, what was the maximum impact – was it worse than falling 10m onto rock –

          #8933 Reply

            Look at it not as a loss but as an opportunity, bro….

            1. Retire the crabs. Your life is worth more than $25.

            2. Get sheila to buy you dinner to pay you back.

            #8934 Reply

              I like Ross’s comment.

              Retirement isn’t such a bad thing for a carabiner. 🙂

              Thanks for the feedback.

              #8935 Reply


                I work in an RnD facility and so asked this question of a metalurgist with lots of initials after his name… He said this type of aliminium wouldnt be affected by the sort of impact a fall even from height over rock…. (short summary of a 40min answer..)

                But….. he doesnt climb and as already said my life and piece of mind is worth more than $25


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