Serpentine/Jarrahdale YMCA

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  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Hynek.
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  • #8356 Reply


      Has anyone been to the YMCA climbing gym in Serpentine/Jarrah? How many and what grade of climbs do they have there?

      The web site photo and description is not very useful – from it – it looks like a small wall for kids.



      #8357 Reply

        The Village People have been.

        They had a good time.

        #8358 Reply

          Short, not many routes, screaming kids. But maybe worth a trip there now and then for a change.

          #8359 Reply

            The wall is shorter than the short wall at Rockface. It has around 20 routes with one pretty easy fist width crack. I go there pretty often as it is only 5min from my house. I usually go in the evenings and every time except maybe once we have been the only ones there. the hardest route is around a 22, though I think the grades at SJ YMCA are easy compared to other places.

            #8360 Reply

              Most of the routes are in the 14-17 range though.

              #8361 Reply

                Sounds better than it use to be! Maybe I need to make a trip there sometime to check it out again!

                #8362 Reply

                  Thanks Todd and Numbat.

                  That sounds good – I’ll definitely head down there and have a boulder/climb.

                  #8363 Reply


                    We went there in Feb. and had a good time. When I asked how often they change the routes, the woman at the desk they hadn’t been changed since the place opened FIVE years ago!!


                    #8364 Reply
                    Curious Climber

                      Maybe someone with more knowledge and experience than me could volunteer some time to change the routes. I’m sure the offer would be welcomed?

                      #8365 Reply

                        The route grading is a bit curious there too, as it probably didn’t get reviewed by many climbers. The numbers seemed +/-2 grades off.

                        It’s an OK place – about 12 top ropes with a few routes on each. The walls are about 7 meters high and mostly vertical. Routes range from 13 to 25. It’s apparently mostly used for group bookings, so is often deserted. Worth a visit.

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