Sir Edmund Hillary

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  • #5995 Reply

      just heard this morning that Sir Edmund hillary died this morning at the grand ol age of 88.

      a true pioneer….

      #5996 Reply


        Certainly a life well lived.

        #5997 Reply

          Respects to Sir ED, he and Tenzing norgay. Legends. RIP

          #5998 Reply
          Dinah Pantic

            RIP. Edmund hillary was an inspiration. Long live his memory and continuation of the infrastructure he set up to help the Nepalese people.

            #5999 Reply
            John Knight

              If anyone wants to follow the 1953 expedition first-hand from a not too well known book, “South Col” is in the CAWA library. It’s written by Wilfred Noyce, one of the team, who himself broke the initial altitude record during the expedition before the summit attempts, etc. Good read and photos…

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