Stathams gate code

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  • #6415 Reply

      As of 19/4 the code is 0101

      #6416 Reply
      shane shaw

        thanks Ang you are a darling xxx

        #6417 Reply

          I agree.

          #6418 Reply
          Steve Robinson

            I am a keen photographer and would be really interested in doing a shoot at Stathams Quarry. I have taken phoyo’s there before but wanted to shoot with a model. How can I get access through the gate?



            #6419 Reply

              Hi Steve

              All you have to do is ring DEC on 92952244 and book in to use the quarry they will give you the latest code and then let me know when the models are going to be there LOL

              #6420 Reply

                hey does anyone have the code as it’s a public holiday tomorrow and DEC will be closed? thanks

                #6421 Reply

                  Current code is 8140 as of 13/05/11.

                  #6422 Reply

                    thats not what I was given yesterday frpom DEC

                    #6423 Reply

                      8140 is the current code at mtn quarry, confusion or co-incidence????

                      #6424 Reply

                        Given this conversation is for the Statham code then that one is definitely for Mt Quarry.

                        #6425 Reply

                          hi ang think of you often hope we get to climb together again.

                          #6426 Reply

                            As of 1/7 the Stathams code is 3157.

                            Hi Dave, have been wondering where you’re at. So has Kelly. It would be great to catch up and go climbing again :)West Cape Howe? I’ll be off to Queensland next week for a climbing sortie, on the off chance you happen to be that way…lol.

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